Thursday, August 31, 2017

1st Day of School

Getting ready for school.
 Putting on her new pair of shoes.
 Ready for school.

 Sarah's new lunch bag.  It had to be purple, so I found mostly purple fabric for it.  It really came out nice.

 Getting ready to get in the car.  I took them to their first day so we could all meet their new teachers together. My last baby is at school. Wah! :( I'm so glad she only goes twice/week. I get to snuggle and play with her tomorrow. :)

Maggie's New Bird

Maggie and Summer. :D

Ducks and Garden August 2017

 Pastured duckies.

Sarah's Birthday Party! August 1st

 Before birthday treat silliness.
 So cute.
 Birthday girl! 4 this year.

 Blowing of candles.
 Yum! Fruit with chocolate dirt on top.
 Me and my children. :D
 Present time.
Light up unicorn from Maggie.

Catching up in Pictures - Summer Time

 Steve and Sarah with Shelby dog.
 One of many bouquets I made from our garden and surrounding forest.
 Cupcakes for my birthday.
 I'm 41!! Still puffy and inflamed here. See and hear about my transformation to vegan here.
 Baby kitties. 4 in all.  They were a whoops. Cat got out and pregnant right before her spaying appt. Whoops!
James and little Sunny.